
Electricity : Is this the appropriate time of change of energy contract ?

Published on 24.06.2022

[Translate to English:] On se pose souvent la question de savoir s’il est préférable d’opter pour un prix fixe ou variable. Nous laissons ce choix au client lui-même car il n’est pas toujours facile de prédire si le prix va augmenter ou baisser dans les prochains mois, mais si nous prenons en considération la situation actuelle due au COVID-19 et la guerre en Ukraine, il est clair qu’il faut partir sur une formule fixe ou semi-fixe. Tout dépendra de l’offre du moment.

Liberalization of tariffs and multiplication of suppliers

Since the liberalization of the energy market in 2007, energy suppliers are free to propose their own tariffs and compete with each other. Their number has continued to increase ever since,making the choice among all these B2B and B2C offers increasingly difficult for businesses and individuals.

Role of the simulator

The simulators energy B2C and B2B can help you to make a balance sheet of your consumption annual and to consider the potential savings to be realized on your bills without decreasing your activity, or your consumption of energy. They allow for individualization of each case study, an easy and interactive way.

Find your tariff professional or individual, the lowest in the market

These simulators and comparative providers in B2C and B2B energy rely on their knowledge of the market of the distribution of energy among professionals. They allow you to check the cost savings that can be achieved by simple comparison of the price per kWh and offers and subscriptions offered. You will be surprised to find that the suppliers of the most expensive offer price for the year up to more than twice the lowest prices !

Don't wait any longer, and enjoy all of our comparator to find the energy suppliers the less dear to the use of the individuals or professionals.